keskiviikko 2. tammikuuta 2013

The road to Hell (part 2)

Tämä on tehty Englannin tuntia varten ja on siis ensimmäinen englanniksi kirjoitettu tarina, joten se ei ole parhaimpia teoksiani. Kerronta on tönkköä ja tarina itsessään on hyvin pieni, sillä meille määrättiin sanamäärä, mitä ei saanut ylittää paljon! Nauttikaa kumminkin parhaanne mukaan ja kommenttia saa laittaa ja pitääkin, jos on jotain sanottavaa!! (:


”Was anyone hurt?” I asked at the same time, when my girlfriend changed her clothes. She was going out with her friends to celebrate her birthday. She turned and looked at me very sadly. ”Yes, my dear, we should talk about it, so can you please sit down”, she said and looked at her nails. I sat down and she told me that Sofia, my ex-girlfriend, had committed suicide in Tuuskavuori. At first I didn’t realize what Janina had said, but when I realized it, it was all gone. Janina hugged me and I tried to understand what had happened.

Me and Sofia divorced one and a half years ago. I left her alone, even though I promised to support her and now she's dead? How is that even possible? After all she was dating with Peter and was really happy with him! Why didn’t Sofia tell me that she isn’t feeling very well and why she didn’t ask help?

Janina didn’t want to leave me alone but I said I’m feeling good, and that she should go out to have fun. After all, it was her birthday! It took a couple of minutes and Janina went to celebrate with her friends. I was left alone to sit in my room and looked around and then I remembered a necklace that I got Sofia, when we had been together almost two years.

I put the necklace to my neck, it was a clef, and I went to put on outdoor clothes. It was September 5. day and the autumn wind was brisk and it made  the weather freezing cold. I walked around until I arrived at the Sofia’s tomb. I looked a while, but in the end I burst into tears and knelt in front of the grave, whispering, "Please forgive me".


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